Anything can happen within this world, They call it fiction for a reason.
Stories are meant to CREATED!


Self-Existence Manipulation:
Li can control their state of existence, removing the boundary between reality and illusion within their personal space. This allows Li to remove themselves from reality and re-enter it with any unwanted elements (injuries, diseases, fatalities, etc.) rewritten as a dream.
Attribute Manipulation | Casualty Reversal | Event Negation | Casualty Negation | Self Probability Manipulation | Kinship Manipulation | Meta Teleportation | Meta Regeneration | Nonexistent Physiology | Presence Manipulation | Self Origin Manipulation | Superhuman physical Characteristics | Martial Arts | Instinctive Reaction | Indomitable Will | Freedom | Time/Space Manipulation | Power anchoring | Ability mastery | Superpower Evolution | Reality warping | Reality anchoring | Reactive Power level | Power absorption | 4th wall breaking | 4th wall awareness | Self Adaption | Dimensional travel | Power Mimicry | Clairyvoince | Subjective Reality manipulation | Logic defiance | Phenomenon defiance | Limitation Defiance | Causality manipulation | Meta combatAutopotence ( Absolute Existence ) when Li fully allows himself to be infused with the entity within him, he is all-powerful over himself including his existence. He can make their existence ineffable and defiant of all laws and logic, rewriting themselves on all levels, including structure, origin, conclusion, and many more. With absolute control over themselves, they can do anything essentially as long as it stems from their existence, like granting oneself all powers/abilities, becoming one with everything, attaining true perfection, etc.

(Super Saiyan Transformations: Li can change his physiology to a Saiyan which are Human-Monkey-liked people who were born to conquer worlds. They possess a powerful form known as Super Saiyan They have been born for centuries. Their anger and intense training make them stronger.Super Saiyan - Super Saiyan (超スーパーサイヤ人じん Sūpā Saiya-jin) is a legendary transformation of a legend in the [Saiyan][] race. Only a select few of the Saiyans have been able to achieve this rare form. In legend, a Super Saiyan is a warrior pure of heart and awakened by fury.Super Saiyan 3 - Super Saiyan 3 (超スーパーサイヤ人じん3スリー Sūpā Saiya-jin Surī) is the third form of Super Saiyan and the successor to the second transformation. This form extracts every drop of potential from a Saiyan's bloodSuper Saiyan 4 - Saiyan is capable of combining their Great Ape and Super Saiyan forms, resulting in the Golden Great Ape form, upon attaining full control of one sanity, the Golden Great Ape will transform into a Super Saiyan 4.Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker - In this form, the Super Saiyan 4's body is filled to the brim with ki. The normally reddish fur takes on a magenta hue, and the hair turns crimson red with dark shadows, similar in appearance to that of Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. The user gains a glowing purple aura similar to that of Perfected Ultra Instinct, and a skin-tight white aura when the primary aura is dissipated. Even compared to the normal Super Saiyan 4 form, the voice of the user becomes deeper and calmer.Li's variant has a much more different and unique look to it. His eyes are a richer color with lighter accents. His fur has gray highlights along with his hair. His muscle density grew a bit more along with his added height. His aura is a mixture of black, gray, and white. Similar to Goku black Rosé aura scheme. He is also accompanied by blackening bolts of lightning𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐍 𝕱𝐈𝐕𝐄 超サイヤ人ファイブ: Still a mystery to even Li himself, such an ascension could only be described as a form that 𝐃𝐄𝐅𝐘𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐒. No longer restricted by any forms of Law or manipulation, it is truly an 𝗔𝗕𝗦𝗢𝗟𝗨𝗧𝗘 𝗨𝗡𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗣𝗣𝗔𝗕𝗟𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗖𝗘. The capabilities Li has uncovered go as follows.Absolute Adaptions: Able to adapt past any and all obstacles, limitations, restrictions, opponents, and environments, regardless of their current status, enabling them to evolve endlessly and infinitely with no limit or restriction to the quantity and quality of their evolution, leaving Li in a constant state of evolution and growthTotal Mimicry: Li can mimic and replicate anything and everything that others can do, or have access to. This includes their skills, powers, talents, attributes, intuition, condition/status, experience, knowledge, memories, augmentations/enhancements, transformations, actions, weaponry/objects, and more. As if he has incorporated them within his own existence. However, depending on the properties of the things he replicates, they will not stay for an indefinite amount of time.Absolute Instinct: As if taken by the 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 themselves, unbeknownst, Li had attained what many have called Migatte no Goku'i no Kanse 身み勝がっ手ての極ごく意いの完かん成せい 9
( 𝗠𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗗 𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗥𝗔 𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗖𝗧 ). His body achieved such from his battle with his sensei @sxngofhope during the events of #HEAVENSROYALE. Added with the other capabilities added, it's dubbed as 𝐀𝐁𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐓𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐓.
Logic | Concept Defiance | Freedom: Li exists beyond and completely independent of logic itself, ignoring logic/reason as if it didn't exist, allowing them to do things without any justification or reason behind them, and defining what's normal and what's not.The Eyes of the Lord: Adam's unique technique that he was gifted with due to being made in God's image. With it, Adam can copy every technique and ability his eyes lays upon once regardless of its speed and power. The Eyes of the Lord enables Adam to see through his opponents' techniques even if they're Gods. Seeing through his opponents' techniques does not only provide Adam the means to dodge their attacks but also perfectly copy them and even return them right back at them, allowing him to perform those powers even faster and stronger compared to the original user. As stated by Brunhild, Adam's true power relies on the fact that he uses the Gods' pride and arrogance against them. This also allows Adam to copy transformations and biological powers, which might change his own body.


▸┃ Tier: 2-B | 2-A | 1 - C | 1 - A▸┃ Attack Potency: Multiversal | Multiversal + | Complex Multiversal | Hyperversal | Outerversal | Outerversal + | Unknown▸┃ Speed: MFTL | MFTL+ | Immeasurable | Irrelavant▸┃ Striking Strength: Multiversal | Multiversal + | Complex Multiversal + | Hyperversal + | Unknown▸┃ Durability: Multiversal | Multiversal + | Complex Multiversal | Hyperversal+ | Outerversal +▸┃ Stamina: Limitless▸┃ Range: Multiversal | Multiversal + | Complex Multiversal | Hyperversal + | Outerversal +▸┃ Standard Equipment: N/A▸┃ Intelligence: Nigh Omniscience
( Thanks to the knowledge bestowed upon the God of fiction and literature. )
▸┃ Weaknesses: Li may possess an array of abilities but the possibility and probability of him utilizing them during battle are highly unlikely. Li, throughout his existence, had opted to mainly utilize his fists and attempts to fight his opponents through pure combat power. This greatly limits his versatility along with leaving his defenses to abilities that can manipulate them highly probable. Li is also one that is prone to lack tactical usage of his abilities as he believes he can blow through without a plan ( This is due to the ability of The Eyes of the Lord which makes him believe he is invincible.)Nonetheless, Li is a simple and traditional type of fighter. Wanting to beat his opponent through sheer will and skill.Even though he knows himself he has some broken hacks, a

Other notable abilities

Eldritch physiology - Li can transform into an eldritch abomination, a being whose very existence defies the rules of nature and/or existence and is defined by its disregard for the natural laws of the universe as we understand them. They wield godlike powers and are, for the most part, not bound by the laws of the universe. Their true form cannot be grasped by mortal beings and may be interpreted differently by different individuals/species, with others creating a collective delusion of their form. These interpretations can range from the unusual to the awe-inspiring, to the mind-shatteringly terrifying. It is rare, but not unheard of, for the presence of such a being to benefit the universe it currently inhabits.Purpose? To frighten his enemies or allies.DEMON PHYSIOLOGY - Li can change the traits, attributes, and abilities of a demon. Li retains their general form but with some additions; horns, claws, fangs. This was his first drastic shift, rarely does he enter into such a form due to the bad memories with a lover of his (check @drawingforhell for lore)

His Story

Li was your average teen who enjoyed his life. He had a typical interest in video games, anime, art, and music: everything a teenage boy would at his age. One day, a very particular event occurred. As he arrived home from a long day of work and school, he saw a package neatly placed on his stairway. He looked at it, concerned that an unusual and almost ominous bundle had arrived. He looked around, before allowing his curiosity to get the better of him as he picked up the box and headed inside; not knowing the very fate that awaited him.He set the item down, not paying it much mind as he simply wished to freshen up and relax a bit. Once finished with that, he sat down with the odd package; examining it slowly before deciding to rip it open. It took quite a bit of strength, but he managed to grab the item that was inside. It was a book, its cover was black and hard, as if it were burnt to a fine crisp. This wasn't the weirdest thing, however, as once he looked inside he saw the pages. They were fine and in absolutely pristine condition as if they were freshly made. They were empty too. Dozens upon dozens of empty pages, filled with zero literature for one to read. Li chuckled softly as he finished rapidly going through every page. Perhaps this was some odd prank that his friends decided to play on him. He didn't know what was so funny about it but was willing to humor this ordeal. He went back to the first page… finding a shocking discovery.There were big bold letters printed on it.From the very beginning…It was very corny when he read it in his head, stifling an oncoming laugh as he nodded his head. He cleared his throat and uttered those very words out loud…Boom!A golden light flashed onto him. His house began to rumble violently as the book rocketed out of his hands. His eyes were filled with fear as he began to believe this was no normal joke or one at all. The pages began to swirl around him like a storm, making him rise out of his seat as the light began to grow stronger and brighter. Li was violently thrown forward, letting out a scream as he was sucked into the light. Everything came to a silent halt, the loud thud of the book falling straight onto the ground being the only thing disrupting it." AAAAAAAAAAHHHH! "Li cried out as he began to fall through a vast unknown space. Pages full of words and drawings of all different shapes and sizes zoomed right past him. He called for someone to save him when a giggle softly entered his ear. His eyes widened as he saw that he was now stuck in motion; his body completely still while the pages continued to blow past him." Over here… "  A voice called out softly, their tone riddled with faint giggles. It seems that they found all of this amusing. Li turned in the direction of the voice and saw a tall, lean figure whose only facial feature was a wide smile. Their body was a pure, ghostly white along with their teeth. Their endless giggles continued to ring out as they slowly made their way toward the floating male whose eyes were filled with fear and confusion. The figure reached out, causing the boy to tightly shut his eyes and place up his guard. It wasn't needed, however, as he felt himself being set upright onto his feet." There, is that better? "  The figure said as they let go of the boy's shirt, placing one of their hands on their waist. Li gradually opened his eyes and began to lower his arms, his eyes frantically looking around the place." W-where am I? " He hesitated while asking. Somehow, this scenario felt oddly familiar to him." You're in my realm! The realm that houses all of Fiction and Literature! I'm what you would call a God! " The being said proudly as it extended out its arms, showing off the very space around them. The covers of books, manga, and posters for various series surrounded themIt would finally then click into his head…" I've been "Isekai'd", haven't I? " He said as he began to sweat profusely. "Isekai" is a genre in Japanese media where the protagonist is transported to a different world after dying or being summoned; their destination usually being something out of a fantasy and medieval era setting. He sighed as he rubbed in between his eyes, trying to question why this happened to him." I'd suppose so! Anyways, you might be wondering why I brought you here! "" Do I have to kill a Demon Lord and save the world?! " He asked worriedly." NOPE! " The "God" answered bluntly." Oh, so why am I here, then? " He said in a shocked manner, as that was the most common trope for these types of things." Well, you see… I kinda grew bored of just reading and watching. I want to experience the adventure itself! I want to experience the action! The Horror! THE THRILL! "  The God roared, shaking the very space around them. Their tone scared Li a bit, but he could see where this was kinda going. He had read enough manga to know what would happen next when someone was summoned by a God who got bored." And you need some sort of host or avatar to do so, I'm guessing. "" Ah! Quick learner, I see! " They asserted with a chuckle." Alright then, uhh… what's in it for me? "" YOU GET TO EXPERIENCE ALL OF YOUR FAVORITE STORIES ALONGSIDE THE CHARACTERS THEMSELVES! ISN'T THAT ALONE EXCITING!? " They continued with their excited tone. The deity anticipated the boy's response.Li thought about it for a moment. Truth be told, he didn't have an outgoing life back in the real world. Sure, he had friends and family, but they rarely spoke to one another. He sighed as he began to scratch the back of his head." A-alright, I'll do it! " He accepted.Somehow, the faceless God's face beamed up with joy. They began to jump with glee while shouting excitedly. They then looked at Li, still keeping their smile." Alright! First, you're gonna need this! " The God would snap their fingers. A swirl of pages and light began to surround the boy, he could feel something deep within him change, but he didn't know what. He looked back at God with a confused expression." What did you do? " He inquired." I gave you a little gift; the ability to control your existence, allowing you to reshape yourself into your desires and dreams. Now then… where shall we head to first!? " They explained enthusiastically.Li pondered for a moment, before finally settling on the perfect story. It was one that he was quite fond of, the very thing that inspired him to get into art in the first place." Have you ever read "Dragon Ball"? "



The writer of Lian's life, a transcendent presence from the real world that has chosen Lian to traverse lesser worlds. Currently, residing within Lian.